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Strength of Materials, 5/e

Strength of Materials, 5/e

Vikas Publishing
  • 9789354531972
  • Paperback
  • Book 595.00

Over the last 25 years, this book has become a students' companion due to its comprehensive coverage, student-friendly approach and allsteps-explained style. This has made it the best-selling book among all the books on the subject. The author's zeal of presenting the text in line with the syllabi has resulted in the edition at hand, which continues its run with all its salient features as earlier. Thus, it takes care of all the syllabi on the subject and fully satisfies the needs of engineering students.

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S S Bhavikatti is Emeritus Professor, BVB College of Engineering & Technology, Hubli. He is a former Dean of NITK, Surathkal and SDM College of Engineering & Technology, harwad. For some time, he has also been Principal, RYM Engineering College, Bellary.

Prof Bhavikatti holds an ME degree in Structural Engineering from the University of Roorkee, and a PhD from IIT-Delhi. A prolific writer, he has authored many more books including 'Building Materials', 'Building Construction', 'Solid Mechanics', 'Structural Analysis-I' and 'Structural Analysis-II' (all by Vikas®).